
所有与 ecflow_server 的通讯都需要通过 ecflow_client。任何与服务器的通讯都需要知道服务器的地址和端口。同一台主机中可能运行多个服务,每个服务都有唯一的端口号。

本教程将会给出通过 shell 和在Python 脚本中使用客户端的例子。



$ecflow_client --help

Client/server based work flow package:

Ecflow version(4.8.0) boost(1.53.0) compiler(gcc 4.8.5) protocol(TEXT_ARCHIVE) Compiled on Jan 18 2018 13:37:13

ecflow_client provides the command line interface, for interacting with the server:

   ecflow_client --help=all       # List all commands, verbosely
   ecflow_client --help=summary   # One line summary of all commands
   ecflow_client --help=child     # One line summary of child commands
   ecflow_client --help=user      # One line summary of user command
   ecflow_client --help=<cmd>     # Detailed help on each command


   abort                alter                begin                ch_add               ch_auto_add
   ch_drop              ch_drop_user         ch_register          ch_rem               ch_suites
   check                checkJobGenOnly      check_pt             complete             debug
   debug_server_off     debug_server_on      delete               edit_history         edit_script
   event                file                 force                force-dep-eval       free-dep
   get                  get_state            group                halt                 help
   host                 init                 job_gen              kill                 label
   load                 log                  meter                migrate              msg
   news                 order                ping                 plug                 port
   reloadwsfile         replace              requeue              restart              restore_from_checkpt
   resume               rid                  run                  server_load          server_version
   show                 shutdown             stats                stats_reset          status
   suites               suspend              sync                 sync_full            terminate
   version              wait                 why                  zombie_adopt         zombie_block
   zombie_fail          zombie_fob           zombie_get           zombie_kill          zombie_remove

上面提到过,使用 ecflow_client 与服务器通讯需要设置 hostport,如下方法确定:


默认值被 ECF_NODEECF_PORT 环境变量覆盖。

环境变量被命令行参数 -–port-–host 覆盖,并且可以用于 --help参数显示的任意 shell 层命令。

例如在命令行 ping 一个服务可以输入命令:

ecflow_client --ping --host=machineX --port=4141


$ecflow_client --ping --host=login05 --port=33083
ping server(login05:33083) succeeded in 00:00:00.023347  ~23 milliseconds

客户端 Python 接口

ecflow_client 提供的功能可以通过 Client Server API 实现。 Python 接口使用相同的算法确定 hostport,允许显式设定 hostport。参看 ecflow.Client

下面给出 python 的示例

import ecflow

    # When no arguments specified uses ECF_HOST and/or ECF_PORT,
    # otherwise defaults to localhost:3141
    ci = ecflow.Client()  # inherit from shell variables

except RuntimeError as e:
    print("ping failed: " + str(e))

    # Explicitly set host and port using the same client
    # For alternative argument list see ecflow.Client.set_host_port()
    ci.set_host_port("login05:33083")  # actually set the host and port (change to your host and port)

except RuntimeError as e:
    print("ping failed: " + str(e))

    # Create a new client, Explicitly setting host and port.
    # For alternative argument list see ecflow.Client
    ci = ecflow.Client("localhost:1000")  # another server
except RuntimeError as e:
    print("ping failed: " + str(e))

上面只有第二次 ping 成功,执行结果如下所示:

$python3 use_client.py
ping failed: [13:31:17 30.1.2018] Request( --ping :wangdp ), Failed to connect to localhost:3141. After 2 attempts. Is the server running ?

ping failed: [13:31:18 30.1.2018] Request( --ping :wangdp ), Failed to connect to localhost:1000. After 2 attempts. Is the server running ?


如果你的 ecflow_server 是用 ecflow_start.sh 启动的,并且需要用到 shell 接口,那么请设置 ECF_NODEECF_PORT 环境变量。 请注意,如果服务器通过 ecflow_start.sh 脚本 启动,那么默认的服务地址 localhost:3141就不正确。

如果服务运行在本地主机上,可以使用 netstat 确定端口号。

netstat -lnptu

可以通过该命令检查 ecflow 服务的端口是否正在正常。

$netstat -lnptu
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      127321/ecflow_serve

results matching ""

    No results matching ""